Every diver should have a go at Hard Hat Diving which is a simpler way of getting below the waterline. This opportunity is not restricted to qualified divers, as the organisers say you just have to take your time and enjoy the experience. After all how often do you get to stand or sit down for 10 min and have two people dress you from head to foot with dive gear
This was my second opportunity to walk and not fin underwater with an excessive amount of weight keeping me fixed to the bottom. The total weight being around 190lb (86kg). My first dive three years ago was in a purpose-built training pool in York with similar equipment. I actually got to work lifting shopping trolleys and tractor tyres with a lifting bag. I have included video links for this and my latest experience in a quarry at the bottom of the page. A short article on the dive experience was featured in a recent issue of the BSAC Dive magazine
My latest experience was less hard work and organised with The Historical Diving Society (HDS) who run regular try dives in different locations throughout the year. All of the events are run by volunteers who are truly passionate about showing people what it is like to be underwater and try old school diving
Cromhall Quarry was the location for my second Hard Hat Experience which started off with an explanation of the day, the equipment and a run through of the dive. I was also offered a copy of “Dressing the Diver” a handy reference booklet written by John Smillie, membership secretary for HDS. John originally spent 15 years working as a dockyard diver
This is my second dive and I hope to be doing more and hopefully helping out in the future at other events. I very much enjoyed the complete experience of walking not finning, the clear surface to diver communication plus 2-3m visibility
Hopefully my experience will make you want to have a go and sign up for a session. Grateful thanks to Ty, John, Elliott, Les and Ann for a great day and another opportunity to just listen to bubbles. Further details on The Historical Diving Society email info@thehds.com or visit thehds.com The society are also keen for BSAC clubs to coordinate sessions in their area and HDS can make it happen
Links to videos showing Hard Hat Diving